Wishes + Will

There are many things we wish to accomplish in life. We may have good intentions and yet stay stagnant for years.

Many people have good intentions to change yet remain stagnant for years. Wallowing in complacency until eventually succumbing to the inevitable forces of change. Living within the walls of resistance is where we experience sadness, sickness and others forms of suffering.

Even when we know what we desire to do, we resist action. This occurs mainly because we are unwilling to live through the process of change. Developing willpower is a necessary part of change. For this reason, it is helpful to honestly evaluate how willing we are to do the work. Only then can you build the power of your will.

To increase our willpower, we need to be willing. We need to overcome resistance to change and enter into an easeful state of flow. riding the currents of life with joy and ease, even when things get rough.

Wisdom and will are two principles which govern our experience of life. If wisdom is the arrow, will is the energy driving the arrow to its target. Will becomes habitual without wisdom. And wisdom lacks the driving force of energy without will. Both wisdom and will are essential for vitality and change.

We meet the edge of change with confidence when wisdom and will join together. Our lenses clear to help us discern whether our fear an imagined threat or an actual sign of danger. The universe is continuously conspiring to assist us. All wee need to do is infuse our will with the power of love and engage in worthwhile activities with consistent effort.

Ways to improve your willpower:

•do something challenging daily.

•surround yourself with people who motivate you.

•be resilient enough to withstand the critical opinions of others.

•embrace challenges rather than resist them.

•focus - remember, where your attention goes, energy flows.

Categories: : mindfulness, empowerment, intentions